Author Archives: Vivien

Happy New Year

As the year draws to a close and we look towards 2025, there’s pressure all around us to explore ‘wellness’ and to pursue the drive to discover the ‘new you’. In reality the old you is imperfectly perfect, you don’t need changing! Yoga is about nourishing our quirks and our differences, creatively exploring the things that make us who we truly are. Yoga teaches us that we are already whole. 

The basic truth is that you and I are aspects of creative divine Consciousness, and we are grounded in Love and Goodness. Erich Schiffmann

Wishing you a positive, peaceful 2025.



Moving Into Stillness – Autumn Workshop 30th November

This year my Autumn Workshop will be on Saturday 30th November, 10am to 1pm in Stockleigh Pomeroy Village Hall.

As we explore what stillness means in our yoga practice, we will focus on the rhythm and power of flow to calm the body and still the mind. During the morning we will explore simple sequences, breath work and sound to encourage a peaceful practice. This workshop will conclude with a Yoga Nidra (deep rest)  to help you feel grounded and calm.

Places are £25 for enrolled students (£30 for non enrolled) which includes teas and coffees and home made treats. Please email me at to book.



Summer Workshop – 13th July

My Summer workshop this year will be on Saturday 13th July, 10am to 1pm in Stockleigh Pomeroy Village Hall. We will explore releasing and moving energy in the body, working with postures and the breath to encourage a sense of freedom and release.

Places are £23 for enrolled students, £25 for non enrolled, refreshments and homemade treats are included. All abilities welcome. Contact me on if you’d like to book.



Spring Workshop – 16th March

My Spring Workshop, ‘Begin Again’ will be on Saturday 16th March, 10am to 1pm in Stockleigh Pomeroy.

As Spring starts to emerge we will explore newness and growth in our yoga. Working with postures to focus on expansion and renewal, we will open up and look to refresh the body and the breath.  Places are £20 for enrolled students and £25 for non enrolled. Teas, coffee and home made treats are included. If you’d like to book please email me



Happy Winter Solstice

Wishing you a happy Winter Solstice, and a joyful return to the light.

Go without sight, and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings, and is travelled by dark feet and dark wings. In our mechanized world, in which we can turn the lights on at all hours, we can forget the sweetness of the dark itself, its calm, wisdom and mystery.  Mary Oliver



Yoga Nidra Series

As we move towards the darker days of Winter, it’s an ideal time for us to draw inwards and take time to rest and renew. If you would like to develop a regular restful practice, you could explore Yoga Nidra.

Yoga Nidra, or Yogic Sleep, encourages the body to deeply rest, and is a chance to settle the body and still the mind. If you would like to find out more, have a look out my Yoga Nidra page,  and get in touch if you’d like to sign up.



Summer Yoga Workshop – Saturday 15th July

This year my Summer Workshop, ‘Compassion and Space’, will be on Saturday 15th July, 10am to 1pm in Stockleigh Pomeroy Village Hall.

This Summer there are 3 Supermoons and our workshop falls in between the first two. Exploring the balance of sun and moon, this workshop will look to balance opposites, finding a quiet harmony in the body and the breath.

Places are £23 for enrolled students, £25 for non enrolled.  To book your place please contact me at or call 07766 562025.



Spring Yoga Workshop – Saturday 25th March

Spring is just around the corner and if you would like to welcome the new season, my Spring Workshop ‘Refresh and Renew’ is on Saturday 25th March, 10am to 1pm in Stockleigh Pomeroy Village Hall.

This will be a morning to encourage a positive flow of energy and approach the forthcoming lighter days with a sense of harmony and hopefulness. Places are £20 for enrolled students, £25 for non enrolled, homemade treats and refreshments are included. Please get in touch with me  on 07766 562025 or email if you would like to book.



Autumn Workshop ‘Moving Into Stillness’ – Saturday 26th November

My Autumn Workshop ‘Moving Into Stillness’ will be on Saturday 26th November, 10am to 1pm
in Stockleigh Pomeroy Village Hall. We will explore the 5 koshas, the layers of ourselves which we need to explore, balance and transcend in order to find the stillness within. The morning will encourage a reflective practice to open and ease the body, and will include some simple meditation and breath work to quieten the mind.
Spaces are limited so please get in touch with me at if you would like to come. Places are £20 for enrolled students/£23 for non enrolled.

Summer Workshop – Saturday 16th July

My Summer workshop, ‘Awakening the Divine’, will be on Saturday 16th July, 10am to 1pm, in Stockleigh Pomeroy Village Hall. We will focus on the chakras, exploring how these wheels of energy direct prana in the body, and help settle and still the mind.

The workshop is £20 for enrolled students, £23 for non enrolled. Please note booking is essential and places are limited!

If you would like to book please get in touch at

