
YogaShoot-2-7100-DSC_0216Our lives are busy and it can be challenging to find the space to slow down. Yoga creates a space where we can take a pause, focus on ourselves so we can enjoy the present moment and feel better physically and emotionally. I started yoga in my early twenties when a work colleague encouraged me to go to a class. That first class marked a turning point in my life because not only did I feel so much better physically, but I came away with a feeling of stillness I had never experienced before. Over the years since that very first class I have never found anything else in life that gives me the feeling of complete stillness and well being that yoga does.

People come to yoga for many different reasons, often because of physical discomfort, stress or trauma in their lives. Yoga allows us to listen to ourselves, our body and our breath, so we can start to release physically and free our minds. Yoga is a tremendous tool to help us manage both physical and emotional challenges, however great they might seem, and help us maximise our enjoyment of life.

You do not have to be flexible or fit to practise yoga and experience the benefits. Over the years I have taught people of all ages and abilities in classes, one to one sessions and in tailormade workshops, and this has brought me much joy. I see my work as a teacher is to enable everyone to find their own path through yoga that is fulfilling and fun, whatever your starting point.

Vivien_bw.jpgWelcome to Yoga for Life.

Vivien Hampson

Ever since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you. Hafi